


2014, JUNE, MONDAY 30TH: 

 7H45-8H30 : Registration.

 8H30-8H40 :

Welcome by Fréderic Thivet, Director of Research at ISAE.

 8H40-8H50 :

Welcome by chaimen and director of Institut Clément Ader


 8H50- 10H30 Aeronautic Session 1

 8H50- 9H30 Plenary session

Pr Didier Guedra-Degeorges (EADS IW):

Toward a Unified Damage Mechanics approach for composite laminates sizing 

9H30- 10H30Plenary session

Thierry Vilain and Dominique Martini  (Dassault Aviation, France):

Failure prediction models of Laminated Composites for a more efficient design: The link is missing.

10H30-11H Refreshment Break

11H- 13H00 Continuum Damage Models

 11H- 11H40 Plenary session:

Pr Pierre Ladeveze (LMT Cachan):

Virtual Testing of Laminated Composites:

State-of-the-art and Challenges.

 11H40- 12H20 Plenary session:

Pr Evgeny Morozov (ADFA Canberra)

Simulating progressive in-ply and delamination failure in composite laminates using a combined elastoplastic damage model

 12H20- 13H00 Plenary session:

Pr Christian Hochard (LMA Marseille)

Damage and Failure of Laminated Composite Structures with Stress Concentrations under Various Mechanical Loads

 13H00- 14H20 Lunch


 14H20- 15H40 SPH, Peridynamic, X-FEM

 14H20- 15H00 Plenary session:

Pr Erdogan Madençi (Univ of Arizona)

Peridynamics for failure and residual strength prediction of fiber-reinforced composites



15H00- 15H40 Plenary session:

Dr Jerome Limido (Impetus FEA France)

Modeling strategies for hydrodynamic ram and blast effects on composite structures

15H40-16H Refreshment Break



 16H00- 17H20 X-FEM


 16H00- 16H40 Plenary session:

F.P. Van der Meer (University of Delft, The Nederlands)

Failure analysis of composite laminates on different scales with the extended finite element method

  16H40- 17H20 Plenary session:

Endel Iarve (Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton, OH, USA)

Discrete Damage Modeling in Laminated Composite under Static and Fatigue Loading


 17H30 - 19H

WORKSHOP TOUR (Visit of ICA new building)





 8H-8H30 : Registration.

8H30- 10H30

Aeronautic session 2

 8H30- 9H10 Plenary session:

Alain Tropis  (Aerolia)

Composite Structure : Evolution and Future Challenges

 9H10- 9H50 Plenary session:

Laurent Risse (Airbus)

Prediction of composite structures behaviour -  A350 lessons learned

 9H50- 10H30 Plenary session:

Michel Mahé (Airbus)

Large Scale models for A350

 10H30- 11H Refreshment Break 

11H- 13H

Multiscale failure

 11H00- 11H40 Plenary session

Prof Michael Wisnom (ACCIS, Univ of Bristol, UK) 

Size effects on strength of scaled quasi-isotropic specimens with sharp cracks

 11H40- 12H20 Plenary session:

Pr Pedro Camanho (Univ. of Porto)

Simulation of damage in polymer composites at different length scales

 12H20- 13H00 Plenary session:

Cedric Huchette (ONERA)

Damage and failure predictions of composite laminates structure by a multiscale hybrid approach

 13H00  -14H20 LUNCH


14H20- 16H20 ICA Session

 14H20- 15H00 Plenary session:

     Prof JF Fererro  (ICA-UPS):

Semi-continuous approach for the study of impacts on woven composite laminates : modeling interlaminar behaviour with a specific interface element

 15H00- 15H40 Plenary session:

Pr Christophe Bouvet  (ICA-ISAE):

Discrete ply modelling of impact and compression after impact on composite laminates 

 15H40- 16H20 Plenary session

     Pr B. Castanié  (ICA-INSA):

Discrete Ply Modelling of Open-Hole Tensile Tests and a Route for Further Validations

 16H20- 16H30 Concluding Remarks


 The program should be submitted to minor changes.


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